ProtonUK Newsletter #41

3 years ago   •   4 min read

By ProtonUK

Hello Protonians,

Welcome to Newsletter #41

The holiday season is officially over and we are all back to work now. Here we are in September and there are only four months till the end of this year.  For reference, it was around this time last year when Proton was listed on KuCoin and that team announced a burning mechanism for Proton.

Thank you for your support and have a great week!


Last night Marshall held a live pre-recorded keynote on Youtube and talked about Metallicus and what they have been working on in the past year. The event wasn't the usual Marshall standing in front of the microphone but it was in the Metaverse, in Proton National Park. Marshall walked around and talked about the products, what they are and what's coming. As always it was a pleasure listening to him and congrats to the whole Metallicus marketing team and Paul Grey (ProtonNZ) for the innovative idea and for putting his whole production together!

Shortly after the event, the Metallicus team posted an HD video that you can watch below:

Last week the Metallicus team introduced another team member to the community - Frank Mazza, taking the role of Digital Marketing Manager. This should speak a lot, while other companies lay off people, the Metallicus team are slowly hiring people for key roles and growing organically.

We finally updated our real-time monitor service (Proton Live). We now track METAL and LUNR tokens. The staking duration of the LOAN is now fixed as well.

As someone said on Telegram, Marshall hasn't been around for some time and he usually comes back with amazing news. He dropped by the other day just to confirm this.

Marshall in Proton Chain - XPR
All good. Quiet before the storm.

Metal Pay

Irina, Metallicus CFO shared on Twitter that August was their best month on record for new Metal Pay users. That's just a month after Metal Pay became available in Europe in early June. That's great feedback and hopefully, we see more people moving to Metal Pay for their day-to-day banking.

  • Proton and Metal data source: CoinMarketCap
  • Price change based on Sunday close price using latest data in range (UTC)
  • Loan data source: Protonscan (Alcor exchange + Protonswap)

Here's another prominent supporter of Proton Chain - Danny Marshall, who got very nice pictures in his office! That's awesome work, well done!

ProtonUK BP
The official group of the UK’s first and leading block producer on the Proton Chain - ProtonUK (
Proton Live
We monitor Proton Chain in real-time for interesting and significant events and publish them over Telegram as they happen. Created and maintained by ProtonUK. Read more at
Proton Loan Health Bot
Subscribe to receive notifications when your Proton Loan health falls below a certain threshold. Created by @ProtonUK

Any comments and suggestions are more than welcome. You can find us on Twitter, Telegram as well as Reddit. Thank you for supporting ProtonUK.

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