How to transfer Proton XPR to and from KuCoin

A detailed guide on how to transfer Proton XPR between Wallet and KuCoin. Easy and instant transfers at the cost of 1 XPR.

3 years ago   •   3 min read

By ProtonUK

A lot of people got confused lately about how to transfer XPR between Wallet and Kucoin so I've written this guide on how one can transfer XPR to and from KuCoin.

Since 24th August 2021, the Proton Chain mainnet is supported on KuCoin.

This means you can transfer XPR between Wallet and KuCoin with NO fees within a matter of seconds!

Don't rush, double-check and always send a small amount first, the fee is 1XPR!

Below you can find a detailed guide on how to do that but I want to highlight this first:

  • Sending XPR from Wallet to KuCoin is very easy and all you need to specify is a memo so that KuCoin knows to which account to deposit Proton.
  • Sending from KuCoin to Wallet you only need to specify your Proton account name. A memo is not required since your account is unique on the Proton chain.
  • In case you forget to specify a memo, you need to raise a ticket with KuCoin support. They will recover your funds for a fee. Some users report it cost $30 or $50 and others $100 to recover their funds.

Sending XPR from Wallet to KuCoin

Make sure you use Send as sending to another user and not Withdraw. The account you need to send XPR to is "kucoindotxpr" but for XPR to arrive in your KuCoin account you need to put a memo! Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to your KuCoin account, go to Assets, Main Account and then search for XPR in the search box, click Deposit against XPR and it will bring you to a page like this:

2. Next go to Wallet, click Send, then select Proton and select KuCoin from the Exchanges tab. Make sure you put your unique memo number:

Hit Send, approve the transaction and that's it!

3. Within a minute your XPR coins will arrive in your KuCoin account:

You sent XPR from Wallet to KuCoin that only took a minute with no fees and no impact on the environment. As simple as that!

Sending XPR from KuCoin to Wallet

Sending XPR from KuCoin to Wallet is easier as you just need to use your username, there's no need to put a memo. On KuCoin withdrawal address your Proton username, don't put at (@) sign and make sure it's all lowercase.

To do this go to Withdraw tab on KuCoin, search and select XPR and then all you need to do is put your username and the amount you want to withdraw.

Always try a small amount first!

Once you confirm the withdrawal, XPR will be deposited immediately to your Wallet account:

Hope it helps. Please reach out for help in the Proton telegram group if you are in doubt, community there is amazing.

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